Hello, am about to teach you how you can add beautiful scrolling text on your blog, be it blogger,wordpress or joomla , This is a very nice tool to make your visitors happy,
So, this is how it goes to add the scrolling text in your blog...! lets see :
Type 1:
Here is the code to add a simple scrolling text from right to left side
Result: Type 2: If you want some more attraction,then try these, Add a background color to the text, Result: You can choose your background colour by replacing the hexadecimal code(#99ccff). Click here to see the codes of the different colors. Here are some mode attributes to learn: direction="left" direction="right" direction="up" direction="down" Type 3: The above attributes tells the text which direction to scroll. Use the code below: Here is are some examples: To scroll Right : To scroll Left: To Scrool Up: To Scroll Down:
This is Another way to attract the
visitors is adding some decoration to the site like scrolling
text,etc.But,don't decorate it too much,particularly if your site
contains too much text as it irritates and spoils the concentration of
the reader.You can add scroll bars to tell your visitors what will be
your next updates,popular posts,advertisements,etc.
So, this is how it goes to add the scrolling text in your blog...! lets see :
Type 1:
Here is the code to add a simple scrolling text from right to left side
Result: Type 2: If you want some more attraction,then try these, Add a background color to the text, Result: You can choose your background colour by replacing the hexadecimal code(#99ccff). Click here to see the codes of the different colors. Here are some mode attributes to learn: direction="left" direction="right" direction="up" direction="down" Type 3: The above attributes tells the text which direction to scroll. Use the code below: Here is are some examples: To scroll Right : To scroll Left: To Scrool Up: To Scroll Down:
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