On July 18 the Audio bible in 18 of Nigeria’s languages will be official launch at Abuja, Nollywood stars, singers and other celebrities have thrown their weight behind the novel achievement, produced by God’s Servant David Ogudu, General Overseer, (G.O) of Christos International Worship Centre, Abuja. The event is billed to hold at the Congress Hall of the Nicon Hilton, Abuja.
The stars that have endorsed the project are Nollywood veteran actors Ejike Asiegbu; Larry Koldsweat; and Zach Orji. Gospel music stars Asu Ekiye, Panam Percy Paul Samsong and Solomon Lange have also openly identified with the project and will be performing live on stage on the launch day. Dike Chukwumerije, son of the late Senator Chukwumerije will be on call to dish out soul inspiring poems as well as renowned Prof. Herbert Wilson.

From July 18, Nigerians will have an opportunity to listen to Bible verses from the book of Mathew to Revelation in Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba, Efik, Ibibio, Gbagi, Gwari, Fulani, Igala and Idoma languages. Other languages that are in the audio Bible include: Tiv, Bini, Ijaw, Urhobo, Itsekiri, Igbira, Ogoni and Okrika.
Nollywood star, Ejike Asiegbu in a statement congratulated Prophet Ogudu. “Let me start by congratulating him (Ogudu); it is not an easy task, in fact, it is awesome. This God’s servant is someone I have known for over a decade now and I know his penchant for doing things that will promote not only God’s work but also enrich humanity. This audio Bible in 18 of Nigeria’s languages will be promoted by us entertainers across the states in the federation as our own way of helping to propagate the gospel, and win souls for God and reawaken the consciousness in people to serve God.”
Nollywood veteran and Pastor, Larry Koldsweat on his part was elated to be part of the project that he said would make things easier for people who cannot read the Bible written in English. “All worshipers need to do is listen to bible verses in their own languages. It is really marvelous I would say.”

Gospel music star, Asu Ekiye could not hide his excitement.
“This is truly awesome, I am short of words. It is out of this world!”
Prophet Ogudu had a revelation last year to produce audio Bibles. “The word of God is life, some of these languages are dying gradually and we want to use this audio bible to revive our languages, reawaken our culture and languages as well as bring pride and dignity to the individual.”

One major challenge he faced in the run up to the production of the audio bible was the ability to get the right people who speak the various languages correctly and, of course, finances as well as spiritual challenges from forces against the spread of the word of God. “We overcame all challenges through the power of God.”
The catch here is that the audio Bibles would be distributed free “because the sole aim is to win souls for God, but we are trusting God for partnership from government, Ministry of Education, multinational bodies and international Bible societies to help in the distribution to all nooks and crannies because we would be holding crusades in any part of the country that speaks the particular language in the audio Bible with our celebrity partners.”
Ogudu got his calling at age 19 while studying Chemical Engineering at the Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Niger State, on June 11, 1994 to be precise. “So, I had to leave school for the All Nations For Christ Bible Institute owned by late Bishop Benson Idahosa. Coincidentally, I had a vision where I saw myself shipping Bibles. So, I guess God wanted me to get involved in this project since 21 years ago.”
The preacher looks back 21 years ago since he began work in God’s vineyard. “God’s word is true; He has been faithful to me and has helped me in every step I took.”
On his relationship with Nollywood stars and other celebrities, Ogudu said: “They are Christians and they love to help in propagating the gospel using their stardom, so I believe they saw in me and my ministry an avenue to reach out to their fans and make them believe in God. I also counsel and pray for many of them.”
The philanthropist preacher runs the David Ogudu Mission Foundation and has renovated schools and sunk boreholes in several communities across Abuja and the East as well give succour to widows and scholarship to students up to the university.
He is a family man despite his busy schedule. “I find time out to be with my family. I have time for my family and for God’s work.

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