Securing a job or getting employed in Nigeria is hard, except your are connected I mean you have someone in government to help you. Again losing your job is as easy as saying “A” when you take the wrong steps.. below are seven office habits that can get you fired from your company..
Greed: The road to success is very long and stumpy and is not good for those that want it all and at once. Such people are very quick to jump on a new project but they cool down as soon as the project stops being new. The other side of greed is trying to take what doesn’t belong to them. They might be telling you they are responsible for something someone else had done.
GLUTONY: When you see yourself spending an hour instead of five minutes surfing through web, reading news, and chatting to your friends instead of working – you need some control. Sometimes it is hard to stop and you do not notice how the time flows by. To control this you might need a radical approach – either block access to the sites that consume most of your time, or check how much time a day you spend on various sites (this can be done by special programs).
WRATH; When you take a look at how two different people react to the same negative situation you will most likely see two options – the “shell” and the “thunder”. The first ones prefer to hide in a shell and wait until the conflict is gone trying to avoid any confrontations. The last ones chose to burst and yell and cannot control their anger. We cannot say which approach is better, as both of them are dangerous. However, the last one will definitely catch a lot of attention and might lead to a much faster solution.
If you are the person that can sometimes get a little carried away proving a point you should at least try to lower your voice and slow down you speech. This way you will be heard a lot better and people will not be seeing your emotions only. In addition to that, try not to hold a grudge if you did not get what you wanted as this might be poisonous for your work focus. Instead, make a journal and write down the situation from such a point – “when I am the boss, I will never…”. This approach is much more constructive and will help you move along much faster.
ENVY: It is harder for some of us to be happy for your colleague when they are getting promoted. You may begin to wonder “am I worse?” or “why is he/she better than me?”. If you notice yourself thinking of these questions, you should immediately change them with others like “how can I improve?” This approach is a constructive way for you to move on, and do not forget to congratulate your colleague with the promotion.
LUST:When you are fixating on a job someone else has and want to do it all to get it,this might be described as ‘lust’ at the workplace. While at some measure it will be nice for you to be focused on something you want. However, over fixating on this might not only damage the relationships at the workplace, but will lead you to miss out on many other opportunities out there.
LAZINESS: If you think that sloth is your thing, you know that there is no universal cure from it. The only thing that will help you fight it is to be interested in your work and motivated. But it is very hard to do that if you are at the job every day and most of the time you have to do routine tasks. Instead of searching for motivation in everything around you look for it in yourself. If you change your attitude and remind yourself of it constantly – it will be easier to stay motivated and avoid sloth.
PRIDE: Perhaps one of the most dangerous sins one might find at the workplace is pride. If you begin to feel yourself better than your colleagues the moment you got promoted you should reconsider your attitude. Otherwise you might find yourself without any friends or people to count on.
Wish you well@work
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