Facebook Comments plugin has rapidly replaced third part commenting system like disqus and others. They are now also being crawled and ind...
How to setup and make money from bulk sms
Today i want to help by writing this post which has been on request for so long by my followers on Twitter and Linkedin. This post will ...
How to create a Google plus page in minutes
Getting a Google plus page for your business or website can be a little bit a task, But with this guide am sharing with you now you can cr...
Seven habits that could fire you from work
Securing a job or getting employed in Nigeria is hard, except your are connected I mean you have someone in government to help you. Again l...
what you need to know before starting a successful offline business
To start a business in Nigeria today requires one to be swift-minded and tactical, its not all about bringing huge amount of money into...
Proven ways to be successful in life
Has it ever cross your mind that successful entrepreneurs seems to always Make right choices in their dealings? You see, although th...
How to turn your computer into a WiFi hotspot in seconds
Many people have been looking for a way to share their computer's Internet connection with other devices like phones, games, pdas and...